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Sending with attachments

While sending with a template API or sending without a template API , file attachments can be included as part of the API request. To do so, add an array of attachment objects within the ‘attachments’ property of the API call. Each attachment object includes:

nameThe filename shown to the receiver. eg. invoice-352.pdf
contentBlobBase64-encoded string of file attachment content.
contentTypeMIME Type for the file attachment. eg. application/pdf

Note that the ‘contentBlob’ (file attachment content) is a Base64-encoded string. Most programming langauges (Ruby, .NET, Java, PHP) will have built-in tools for this.

Code examples

Node.js example:

const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
// Read and encode the file to base64
const filePath = './order-receipt.pdf';
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
const base64Content = fileContent.toString('base64');
// Send the email with attachment
method: "post",
url: "",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
auth: {
data: {
"templateId": "wptemplate_ABc123XYZ",
"to": "",
"variables": {
"user": {
"displayName": "Jordan",
"product": {
"title": "Beechers Mac & Cheese",
"id": "02934203942"
attachments: [
name: `order-receipt.pdf`,
contentBlob: base64Content,
contentType: 'application/pdf',
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {

Activity Logs

Within your Activity, if you view a message log that was sent with one or many attachments, they will show up underneath the message preview.

Logs only show the filename, the full content of the attachment is not stored on Waypoint.

Waypoint Attachment


  • Messages have size limitations. On our Free and Starter plan, the max total size of the email (including attachments) is 2mb. On our Growth and Pro plans, the max total size is 5mb.
  • Attachments are currently not supported by email batch sending
  • Attachments with following file extensions are not supported and will cause the email to not be sent: .ade, .adp, .app, .asp, .bas, .bat, .cer, .chm, .cmd, .com, .cpl, .crt, .csh, .der, .exe, .fxp, .gadget, .hlp, .hta, .inf, .ins, .isp, .its, .js, .jse, .ksh, .lib, .lnk, .mad, .maf, .mag, .mam, .maq, .mar, .mas, .mat, .mau, .mav, .maw, .mda, .mdb, .mde, .mdt, .mdw, .mdz, .msc, .msh, .msh1, .msh2, .mshxml, .msh1xml, .msh2xml, .msi, .msp, .mst, .ops, .pcd, .pif, .plg, .prf, .prg, .reg, .scf, .scr, .sct, .shb, .shs, .sys, .ps1, .ps1xml, .ps2, .ps2xml, .psc1, .psc2, .tmp, .url, .vb, .vbe, .vbs, .vps, .vsmacros, .vss, .vst, .vsw, .vxd, .ws, .wsc, .wsf, .wsh, .xnk.