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Activity & metrics

From your workspace’s activity page, you can effortlessly monitor emails sent through Waypoint.

Search and filter messages by status, time, and environment to find what you need. Get deliverability insights and drill into an individual message for details.

Deliverability metrics

At the top of your workspace’s activity page includes high level deliverability metrics with total number of sends along with each type of email event log status including:

Perform searches within your activity page to quickly find messages created within your workspace.

Search screenshot

To search:

  1. Navigate to your ‘Activity’ page within your workspace.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon.
  3. Add a search term.
  4. Hit Enter.

Search finds messages based on keywords across the following fields:

  • messageFrom
  • messageTo
  • messageCc
  • messageBcc
  • messageReplyTo
  • messageSubject
  • messagePreheader

Messages by template

Waypoint keeps an association to the template that a message was sent through. This means you can view all messages associated with a template.

Search screenshot

  1. Navigate to your ‘Templates’ page within your workspace.
  2. Click on the ’•••’ actions next on a template.
  3. Click ‘View activity’

API endpoints