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Template builder navigator

When creating email templates that have complex layouts, it can quickly become a challenge to navigate in and around blocks. To help with this, we’re introducing a new feature that we call “Navigator”. Simply toggle the Navigator on and you’ll see a tree view of your blocks which give you and your team an easier way to find and navigate to specific blocks while building.

Container block border options

New border options on container blocks. Sometimes you want to give a little more emphasis to certain sections. You can now set the border color and border radius on containers to do this. Simply use the color picker and sliders after selecting a container.

Progress bar block

Teams using Waypoint often build email templates that range from simple welcome emails to complex reports.

With our new block, we’ve made it even easier to create progress bars to help illustrate usage limits, engagement progress, project status, and more.

Simply add a new progress bar block, set the percentage based on data, and then style it to match the rest of your template.

Test data scenarios

Data-rich email templates like reports or receipts, can often contain conditional logic for showing or hiding content based on data. This can be a challenge for teams to design around since the template can receive different sets of data.

To help with this, we’re introducing a new feature that allow teams to model different test data scenarios and easily switch between them.

When paired with our powerful visual email template builder, teams can quickly see how their template might look like in each scenario.

Fixed column width option

Sometimes you need a bit more control over a column width while using a columns block within our template builder. You can now set a fixed width on a column. This is especially useful when pairing with our new avatar block.


As the volume of messages on your platform increases, it can quickly become difficult to get a sense of the messages sent to individual users. To address this, we’ve made it easy to see your contacts at a glance and be able to drill down into each contact to see a full timeline of message events. There are two ways to drill down into a contact page:

  1. Click on an email address from an individual message activity log.
  2. Click on the new top level ‘Contacts’ link to see a view of all of your contacts sorted by last message.

From here, you can view metrics and filter the given contact’s activity.

Avatar block

New avatar block. Add user avatars to your dynamic templates and pass in an avatar URL to populate them. Effortlessly setup a fallback for those that don’t have an avatar - without any code.

Reuse and reset colors

Two new quality of life features related to colors within Waypoint’s dynamic template builder:

  1. Reuse colors that you’ve already used within your template and associated template layout. No more hunting across templates and layouts to copy and paste hex colors!
  2. If you override a color at the block level, you can now clear the override to reset back to one of your global theme colors.

User roles & permissions

Manage roles & permissions from workspace settings. Assign teammates on your workspace either an admin or user role. User roles have read-only access to settings. Learn more in our docs.

Duplicate as layout

Create template layouts based on existing templates. If you already have a Waypoint template with headers and footers that you’d like to use as a base for our new template layouts. You can now simply click on ‘Duplicate as layout’ from the additional actions context menu on a template and then modify your new layout as needed.

Template layouts

New feature: Template Layouts. Template Layouts allow your team to share content blocks and styles across dynamic email templates. Effortlessly keep your template styling consistent and save your team maintenance headaches with shared header and footer content. Learn more and watch a tutorial in our docs.

Sandbox API requests

New sandbox API requests on Waypoint to test emails. Simply change the POST URL on testing environments to include a sandbox flag. API triggers with the sandbox flag will not deliver the email to the address in the ‘to’ field. The email message inputs and outputs will simply be stored on the your dashboard’s activity logs for debugging and review. Learn more in our docs.

Dynamic images

Dynamically set URL source on image blocks within our template builder. This is especially useful when looping through self hosted images using our recently released Loop block.

Block navigation

Over the last couple of weeks, we released new Loop, Columns, and Container blocks that support block nesting. As the complexity of layouts evolved, it became important to be able to traverse within groupings.

This is why we added a tiny but very helpful feature that helps you navigate within each group of blocks by clicking on breadcrumb links.

Loop block

New data-driven Loop block on Waypoint’s dynamic template builder. Visually iterate through your data without having to write a single line of code.

Container block

New container block on Waypoint’s dynamic email template builder for grouping blocks! Combine this with our ‘Columns’ block we released last week to quickly build powerful layouts for data-rich product emails.

Resizable drawer on the template builder

New resizable drawer on Waypoint’s dynamic template builder. This is a tiny feature but a big quality of life improvement when working with larger test data, test scenarios, and/or custom HTML blocks within Waypoint’s dynamic email template builder.

Columns block

New multi-column block on Waypoint’s dynamic email template builder. Create advanced layouts by nesting blocks.